IMPORTANT: To apply for the Spring Term or to continue to get your 30 hours of Childcare you need to renew your 30 hour code by the 31st December 2022. Please access HMRC here to renew.
Welcome to St Hubert’s Pre-School at Warley Baptist Church, where we want every child to be inspired to grow, play, learn and develop by providing your child with a safe, nurturing, holistic and caring environment for children ages 2-4 years old.
We pride ourselves in ensuring your child gets the very best, to enhance their learning whilst in our care and this is reflected in our recent Ofsted inspection, where we have been classed as GOOD with the following comments.
- Children shout out with excitement when staff tell them that they are
going to read a familiar story. Children listen and watch as staff use expression and hand movements to exaggerate parts of the story. Children sit nicely and they look at their friends and smile to share their experiences. - Parents are happy with the care that their children receive and speak highly about staff’s supportive and welcoming nature. They comment about how happy and secure their children are. Parents feel involved in their child’s learning as they receive weekly updates about their child’s development and interests. They are invited into the setting for workshops to help them to prepare for their child’s transition to school. Parents feel reassured that their children are happy
when the staff send messages and photographs of their children’s daily
achievements. - Children are good at sharing resources as they offer notepads and pens to their friends, asking ‘do you want to join?’. They are helpful and work as a team to tidy up. For example, children use their physical skills to carry large baskets to where they belong.
- The leadership team implements a curriculum for children that evolves around their interests and next steps. Staff know their key children very well as they do regular observations to identify next steps. These are shared with all staff to help children receive continuous and consistent learning opportunities. For
example, when children show an interest in rubber ducks, staff introduce different-coloured ducks. They encourage children to count how many ducks they can see, to build on their mathematical knowledge. - Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. Managers and leaders use additional funding to provide children with their own practitioner. This enables these children to receive personalised teaching that meets their individual needs. Children who have SEND make good progress and demonstrate that they feel comfortable and safe. For example, they smile as they watch staff use sign language while singing a familiar nursery